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Student Services

"The only thing that you absolutely have to know, is the location of the library." - Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955. Therotical Physicist)

Library Spaces

A  variety of spaces for individual and group study are available in the library. The basement and third floor are dedicated to quiet study while the first and second floors are for group study. There are a variety of seating options including study carrels, tables, comfortable chairs, and sofas.   Students can also reserve available study and conference rooms at the library service desk or online. 

The Library is wi-fi enabled so students can access the internet from anywhere in the building. We also have a print station on the first floor for students to quickly print assignments and projects. The second floor has a high performance computing station and a computer lab with 49 workstations and color printing. Microfilm and microfiche readers are available on the third floor.

Need to relax? Want to meet friends for coffee, play games, or just chat? The library has spaces for social activities, too. We have a coffee shop serving a variety of foods and beverages including sushi. Food and drink are welcomed anywhere in the building, so have a pizza delivered directly to you. Student groups can also reserve spaces in the library for meetings, events, information tables and exhibits.


 All Gender Restroom    Emergency Egress Route   Lactation Room    Men's Restroom   Women's Restroom 

Ground Floor Directory

Study Spaces on this Floor
Individual Quiet Study Carrels Quiet Study Tables    
Offices on this Floor
Advising Center Suite G6 (573) 341-4424
Center for Advancing Faculty Excellence (Cafe) Suite G8 (573) 341-6713
State Historical Society (Rolla Research Center) Suite G3 (573) 341-4440
University Archives Suite G2 (573) 341-6954
Library Collections on this Floor
A - General Works B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion C - Auxiliary Sciences of History D - World History
E and F - History of the Americas G - Geography, Anthropology, Recreation H - Social Sciences J - Political Sciences
K - Law L - Education M - Music and Books on Music N - Fine Arts
P - Language and Literature (P - PQ), Continues on Second Floor Theses and Dissertations    
 In the event of severe weather the map collection area, restrooms, and the hallway adjacent to the Advising Center serve as shelter areas. 

 Emergency Egress Route  Men's Restroom   Women's Restroom     

First Floor Directory

Study Spaces on this Floor
Group Study Conversation Leisure Lounge  
Offices on this Floor
Dean of the Library and Library Administration Suite 106 (573) 341-4008
Library Operations Offices Suite 102 (573) 341-4008
IT Help Desk Suite 101 (573) 341-4357
Services on this Floor
Library Service Desk Library-Self Service Station Library Classroom with 15 workstations and Black/White Printing Nonavitra Visualization Wall
Quick-Print Station with Black/White Printing Scanning/Copying Station Six computers with Black/White Printing Public Access Computers
Coffee Shop      
Library Collections on this Floor
Paperback Browsing Collection      
PABA  M - Mystery PABA SFF - Science Fiction and Fantasy PABA R - Romance PABA F - Fiction
PABA N - Nonfiction PABAGR - Graphic Novel Collection    
Teachers Education and Textbook Collection      
Elementary Middle School Secondary  
Film Collection      
All genres      

 Emergency Egress Route  Men's Restroom   Women's Restroom     

Second Floor Directory

Study Spaces on this Floor
Group Study Individual Study Carrels Conversation Lounges  
Computer Labs on this Floor
CLC with 49 workstations and Color Printing High Performance Computing with 3 workstations    
Other Spaces on this Floor
Zoom Enabled Conference Rooms The Rolla Mural Exhibition Space  
Collections on this Floor
P - Language and Literature (PR - PZ), Continued from Ground Floor Q - Science (Q - QC), Continues on Third Floor    


 Emergency Egress Route  Men's Restroom   Women's Restroom     

Third Floor Directory

Study Spaces on this Floor
Individual Quiet Study Carrels Quiet Study Tables Study Rooms  
Offices on this Floor
Library Digitization Center Suite 301 (573) 341-7910
Writing Center Suite 314 (573) 341-4436
Other Spaces on the Floor
Exhibition Space      
Collections on this Floor
Government Documents Microfilm QC - Physics QD - Chemistry

QE - Geology

QH - Natural history (General)

QK - Botany

QL - Zoology

QM - Human anatomy

QP - Physiology

QR - Microbiology

R - Medicine (General)

RA - Public aspects of medicine

RB - Pathology

RC - Internal medicine

RD - Surgery

RE - Ophthalmology

RF - Otorthinolaryngology

RG - Gynecology and obstetrics

RJ - Pediatrics

RK - Dentistry

RL - Dermatology

RM - Therapeutics.  Pharmacology

RS - Pharmacy

RT - Nursing

RX - Homeopathy

RZ - Other systems of medicine

S - Agriculture (General)

SB - Plant culture

SD - Forestry

SF - Animal culture

SH - Aquaculture.  Fisheries.  Angling

SK - Hunting sports

T - Technology (General)

TA - Engineering (General).  Civil engineering (General)

TC - Hydraulic engineering

TD - Environmental technology.  Sanitary engineering

TE - Highway engineering.  Roads and pavements

TF - Railroad engineering and operation

TG - Bridge engineering

TH - Building construction

TJ - Mechanical engineering and machinery

TK - Electrical engineering.  Electronics.  Nuclear engineering

TL - Motor vehicles.  Aeronautics.  Astronautics

TN - Mining engineering.  Metallurgy

TP - Chemical technology

TR - Photography

TS - Manufactures

TT - Handicrafts.  Arts and crafts

TX - Home economics

U - Military science (General)

UA - Armies: Organization, distribution, military situation

UB - Military administration

UC - Maintenance and transportation

UD - Infantry

UE Cavalry.  Armor

UF - Artillery

UG - Military engineering

UH - Other military services

V - Naval science (General)

VA - Navies: Organization, distribution, naval situation

VB - Naval administration

VC - Naval maintenance

VD - Naval seamen

VE - Marines

VF - Naval ordnance

VG - Minor services of navies

VK - Navigation.  Merchant marine

VM - Naval architecture.  Shipbuilding.  Marine engineering

Z - Bibliography.  Library Science.  Information Resources (General)