*If you have issues with Scopus and are using Google Chrome, clear your cookies or switch to another browser. Scopus provides multidisciplinary indexing of research literature in the sciences, engineering, and social sciences. It is Elsevier's counterpart to Clarivate's Web of Science, providing the same core functionality but indexing a larger number of journals and proceedings.
A multidisciplinary database providing full text for thousands of journals, many of them peer-reviewed titles.
*CAS requires users to create an individual account using an @mst.edu email address in order to use this database.* SciFinder-n is a comprehensive database of chemical literature and patents. Systematic coverage begins in 1907, but it includes some older sources.
ASTM Compass provides full text access to all 12,000+ ASTM standards. The Digital Library covers a broad range of engineering disciplines and includes everything that ASTM has published -- manuals, monographs, STPs, and journal articles. Note: ASTM may not open correctly in the Firefox browser.
IEEE Xplore provides full text access to its journals, magazines, conference proceedings, books, and current standards covering the subject areas of electrical engineering, computer engineering, and electronics
MathSciNet is a searchable collection of abstracts and citation information covering much of the mathematical sciences literature. Additionally, expert reviewers are selected by professional mathematicians to write reviews of many of the items included in the database.
OnePetro is an online library of technical literature for the oil and gas exploration and production industry. Articles and conference papers from professional societies and other organizations that serve the industry are available for download.