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Picturing Women Inventors: Home

An online supplement to the Smithsonian poster exhibit, "Picturing Women Inventors"

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This is a living document. If you know of other campus community or Phelps County women who should be added to page 2 of this libguide, please email the archives.

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Documents and Books

Searching the S&T Library catalog using the search term "women inventors"  will bring up a plethora of resources. You may need to log in to use electronic resources. Additional resources are listed below.


Other sources

Poster Gallery for "Picturing Women Inventors"

Poster 1

About This Poster Exhibiton

First poster from Smithsonian exhibit "Picturing Women Inventors."

The Picturing Women Inventors poster series starts and ends with big ideas and questions. Each set of inventors answers the question asked at the top of the poster. Using an inquiry- based approach, we invite you to first explore the stories of women inventors who are often overlooked or forgotten altogether. While doing so, connect the inventors’ experiences to your own lives. Next, develop your own research question and undertake an investigation of the past to uncover the story of a woman inventor. Throughout this process, continue to think outwardly about the ways your classroom experiences could and should impact your community and the world around you.

Poster 2.

Who Gets To Be An Inventor?

Second poster from Smithsonian exhibit "Picturing Women Inventors."

When you hear the word “inventor” who comes to mind? We often imagine white men wearing lab coats working in laboratories, or wild-haired tinkerers in their garages. Many think of famous figures like Thomas Edison or Steve Jobs. In reality, inventors have always come from every segment of society. The stories of women inventors especially have often been overlooked, undervalued, and sometimes lost. The Picturing Women Inventors poster exhibition and this accompanying Educators’ Guide engage students by revealing these hidden inventors’ stories and, in the process, help redefine who gets to be an inventor.

Poster 3:

How old do I have to be to invent?

Third poster from Smithsonian exhibit "Picturing Women Inventors.

Poster 4

I have an idea...

Fourth poster from Smithsonian exhibit "Picturing Women Inventors"

Poster 5

What skills do inventors need?

Fifth poster from Smithsonian exhibit "Picturing Women Inventors"

Poster 6:

Can my invention save a life?

Sixth poster from Smithsonian exhibit "Picturing Women Inventors"

Poster 7

How can I help the environment?

Seventh poster from Smithsonian exhibit "Picturing Women Inventors"

Poster 8

What inspires you?

Eighth poster from Smithsonian exhibit "Picturing Women Inventors"

Smithsonian educational resource for "Picturing Women Inventors"

Research sites