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Fall 2023 textbooks at the library

These books will be on Reserve in the library.

Reserve books can be checked out from the service desk on the first floor of the library. Normally, you can keep the book for two hours; you can take the books outside the library as long as you return them on time. Reserve books checked out two hours or less before the library closes can be kept until 9 AM the following day.

If you don't see your textbook here, you can do a title or author search in the box on the library's webpage to double check whether or not we have the book. If a physical copy of your textbook is available for check out at one of the other UM System libraries, you may be able to borrow it for the semester.

Books we have in print

Author Title Call number Course Number Instructor
Alberts Essential Cell Biology QH581.2 .E78 2019 BIO_SCI 2213 Shannon, Katie
Alexander Fundamentals of Electric Circuits (6th ed.) TK454 .A452 2017 ELEC_ENG 2100 Multiple
Amit Business Model Innovation Strategy HD30.28 .A445 2021 IS&T 6251 Wang, Dawei
Anderson Fundamentals of Aerodynamics TL570 .A677 2017 AERO_ENG 3131 Schmidt, Jillian
Anderson Introduction to Flight TL570 .A68 2016 AERO_ENG 2861 Meeks, Warner
Askeland The Science and Engineering of Materials TA403 .A74 2016 CER_ENG 5810 / AERO_ENG 3877 / MET_ENG 5810 / PHYSICS 4523 Gu, Yijia
Balanis Antenna Theory: Analysis and Design TK7871.6 .B353 2016 ELEC_ENG 5640 Donnell, Kristen
Beard & Stallings Wireless Communication Networks and Systems TK5103.2 .S828 2016 COMP_ENG 5430 / ELEC_ENG 5430 / SYS_ENG 5323 Zawodniok, Maciej
Black Degarmo's Materials and Processes in Manufacturing TS183 .D4 2017 MECH_ENG 2653 Anklesaria, Yezad
Budyas Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design (10th ed.) TJ230. S5 2015 MECH_ENG 3708 Multiple
Cain American Literature Vol. 2 PS507 .A5753 2014 ENGLISH 1222 Multiple
Cengel Thermodynamics (8th ed.) TJ265 .C43 2015 MECH_ENG 3521 Multiple
Cengel Property Tables Booklet TJ265 .C432 2019 MECH_ENG 3521 Koylu, Umit
Chandler Introduction to Modern Statistical Mechanics QC174.8 .C47 1987 PHYSICS 6311 Vojta, Steffen
Conover Practical Nonparametric Statistics QA278.8 .C65 1999 STAT 6343 Olbricht, Gayla
Cormen Introduction to Algorithms (2nd ed.) QA76.6 .I5858 2001 COMP_SCI 2500 Howser, Gerry
Copi Introduction to Logic BC108 .C69 2019 PHILOS 1115 Finke, Darin
Dodds Freshwater Ecology QH541.5.F7 D63 2020 BIO_SCI 4363 Niyogi, Dev
Dyar Mineralogy and Optical Mineralogy QE372.2 .D93 2008 CER_ENG 2110 Wilkerson, Kelley
Elmasri Fundamentals of Database Systems QA76.9.D3 E57 2016 COMP_SCI 2300 / COMP_SCI 5300 Yeung, San
Erickson Programmable Logic Controllers (3rd ed.) TJ223.P76 E75 2016 ELEC_ENG 3340 / ELEC_ENG 5340 Erickson, Kelvin
Frank Diary of a Young Girl DS135.N6 F73313 1995 ENGLISH 2241 Malone, Ed
Gibson Principles of Composite Material Mechanics TA418.9.C6 G53 2016 AERO_ENG 6284 Birman, Victor
Glover Power System Analysis & Design TK1005 .G57 2023 ELEC_ENG 3540 Bo, Rui
Goldstein Classical Mechanics QA805 .G6 2002 PHYSICS 5201 Saito, Shun
Griffiths Introduction to Genetic Analysis QH430 .I62 2019 BIO_SCI 2223 Scharf, Andrea
Griffiths Introduction to Electrodynamics QC680 .G74 2017 PHYSICS 3211 Peacher, Jerry
Hartle Gravity: An Introduction to Einstein's General Relativity QC173.6 .H38 2003 PHYSICS 4203 Cavaglia, Marco
Hamill Intermediate Dynamics QA846 .H23 2022 AERO_ENG 5313 Krishnamurthy, K
Hibbeler Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics (14th ed.) TA352 .H5 2016 MECH_ENG 2340 Newberry, Daniel
Hibbeler Engineering Mechanics: Statics (14th ed.) TA351 .H5 2016 CIV_ENG.2200 Multiple
Hibbeler Engineering Mechanics: Statics and Dynamics (14th ed.) TA350 .H48 2007 MECH_ENG 2340 Buckholtz, Kenneth
Inan Engineering Electromagnetics and Waves QC670 .I52 2015 ELEC_ENG 3600 Donnell, Kristen
Holtz An Introduction to Geotechnical Engineering TA710 .H564 2011 CIV_ENG 5715 McLain, Kevin
Kahlil Nonlinear Control QA427 .K478 2015 ELEC_ENG 6320 Sarangapani, Jagannathan
Kardar Statistical Physics of Particles QC174.8 .K37 2007 PHYSICS 6311 Vojta, Steffen
Kavanagh Surveying TA545 .K37 2014 CIV_ENG 2401 Multiple
Knight College Physics QC23.2 .K649 2010b PHYSICS 1145 Vojta, Agnes
Lindberg The Beginnings of Western Science Q124.95 .L55 2007 HISTORY 3530 Sheppard, Kathleen
Mazidi The AVR Microcontroller and Embedded Systems: Using Assembly and C Instructor's Copy COMP_ENG 3150 Stanley, Ronald
McManus The Deadly Brotherhood D769.2 .M36 1998 History 3440 McManus, John
Meadows The Limits to Growth HD75.6 .M437 2004 ARCH_ENG.5642 / CIV_ENG.5642 / ENV_ENG.5642 Fitch, Mark
Miessler Inorganic Chemistry QD151.3 .M54 2014 CHEM 2310 Nath, Manashi
O'Brien The Things They Carried PS3565.B75 T48 1990 ENGLISH 1222 Goldberg, Mathew
Peterson Computer Networks TK5105.5 .P47 2022 COMP_ENG 5410 Sedighsarvestani, Sahra
Peurifoy Construction Planning, Equipment, and Methods (8th ed.) TH145 .P45 2011 ARCH_ENG 5445 / CIV_ENG 5445 McLain, Kevin
Popham Classroom Assessment LB3051 .P6142 2020 EDUC 3340 Kania-Gosche, Beth
Reynolds Unit Operations and Processes in Environmental Engineering TD430 .R48 1996b CIV_ENG 3615 / ENV_ENG 3615 Wang, Jianmin
Rosenthal Drugs: Mind, Body, and Society HV5801 .R638 2019 PSYCH 3501 Henslee, Amber
Samuels Statistics for the Life Sciences QH323.5 .S23 2016 STAT 3245 Olbricht, Gayla
Seiffertt Digital Logic for Computing Instructor's Copy COMP_ENG 2210 Woodley, Robert
Shiva Computer Design and Architecture TK7888.3 S558 2014 COMP_ENG 3110 / COMP_SCI 3803 Hurson, Alireza
Smith Elements of Ecology QH541 .S65 2015 BIO_SCI 2263 Huang, Yue-Wern
Spiegelman Maus D810.J4 S643 1986 HISTORY 3240 Fogg, Shannon
Standage An Edible History of Humanity GT2850 .S73 2009 HISTORY 3600 Behrendt, Andrew
Stephens Metal Fatigue In Engineering TA460 .M4437 2001 AERO_ENG 5238 / MECH_ENG 5238 Dharani, Lokeswarappa
Taylor Classical Mechanics QC125.2 .T39 2005 PHYSICS 3201 Musser, James
Wijker Spacecraft Structures
  TL875 .W55 2010
AERO_ENG 4253 Anklesaria, Yezad
Williams Nuclear and Particle Physics QC776 .W55 2008 PHYSICS 3311 Schulz, Michael
Wood American Revolution E208 .W85 2003 HISTORY 1300 Pope, Justin
Young University Physics, Volume 1 QC21.3 .Y68 V.1 PHYSICS 1135 Vojta, Agnes
Zimmer Planet of Viruses QR360 .Z65 2021 BIO_SCI 5493 Westenberg, David