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Guide to Copyright


Additional Resources

This page lists  additional resources containing depth information about the topics discussed in the guide.

Best Practices

Librarians, professionals and legal educators are developing new codes of best practice to guide user communities in the use of copyrighted works and digital content.  As new best practices become available, they will appear on this page.

Please note: UM System Counsel does not endorse any of these best practices, however we wish to bring them to your attention as forward-thinking documents  applying copyright in educational settings.

Books in the Library

Digital Millennium Copyright Act Resources

External Resources

Fair Use Resources

External Resources

General Copyright Resources

Other University Resources

External Resources

Linking to Material in a Library Database

Known as durable links, persistent links, permalinks, stable links.

One of the best ways to avoid copyright problems is to link to articles, e-book chapters or e-books in the library licensed resources.  The Library's many resources work a little differently, so contact your subject specialist for more information about creating linked items.

The Library proxy links through its server to:

    create access from off-campus
    prevent unauthorized use of licensed resources

You can either paste the hyperlink into your Blackboard readings list or embed the hyperlink into your citation for a cleaner presentation. The link must have the Proxy Server segment ( as a prefix in the URL in order to give users off-campus access. For example:

copies can also be made directly from some databases. These copies may be used for:

  • in-class handouts, or
  • electronic copies behind password barrier or in coursepacks.

The table below indicates what activities are allowed with each database.


Publisher/Database Print
E-reserves E-links
ABI/Inform (Proquest) No  No  No
Academic Search Complete (EBSCO) No Yes Yes
ACM  Yes  No Yes
AIAA  No No  No
American Accociation for Cancer Research Yes Yes Yes
American Society for Microbiology Yes  No Yes
American Chemical Society? Yes  No  No
American Insitute of Physics Yes Yes Yes
American Physical Society No No  No
American statistical association Yes Yes Yes
Annual Reviews  No Yes Yes
ASCE Yes Yes Yes
ASME Yes Yes Yes
ASTM Yes Yes Yes
BioOne Yes Yes Yes
Business Source Premier (EBSCO)  No Yes Yes
Ebrary No No Yes
Elsevier ScienceDirect (publisher) Yes No Yes
GeoScienceWorld Yes Yes Yes
IEEE Yes Yes Yes
IOP (Insititue of Physics) Yes Yes Yes
JAMA No Yes Yes
JSTOR No Yes Yes
Knovel No No Yes
LexisNexis Yes Yes Yes
LondonTimes Historical archives No No No
Nature Publishing Yes No Yes
OneMine No Yes Yes
OnePetro Yes No No
Oxford University Press No No Yes
PsycArticles/PsycInfo No Yes Yes
SAE No No Yes
SIAM No Yes Yes
Springer (publisher) Yes Yes Yes
Wiley (publisher) Yes Yes Yes


Here are some examples of how to create links:

Academic Search Complete (EBSCOhost)
Article: Beaudouin-Lafon, Michel. "Viewpoint Open Access to Scientific Publications." Communications of the ACM 53.2 (2010): 32-34. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Web. 9 Mar. 2010.

Locate the full text article, move to abstract view.
On the right side, click on "Permalink."
Cut and paste the link into your Blackboard site. The link will look like this:

ebrary e-book or chapter
Book: McConnell, Ben and Jackie Huba. Citizen Marketers: When People are the Message. Chicago: Kaplan Publishing, 2007.

ebrary is different from other databases because a book can be viewed in "Quick View" mode or it can be read using the ebrary reader (a plug-in) which offers more features. You can copy the link for a book while in Quick View mode, but to create a chapter link, you need to be in the ebrary reader.
To create a link to an e-book from Quick View, go to the ebook of choice; from first screen copy the URL from browser and paste it in Blackboard. The link must have the Proxy Server segment ( in the URL in order to give users off-campus access. The link should look like this:

To create a link to an  e-book chapter, first move into the ebrary reader. Go to the chapter of choice; next use the Info Tools button, then click on "Copy Bookmark." Paste the link into your Blackboard site or embed it into your citation. The link must have the Proxy Server segment ( in the URL in order to give users off-campus access. The link should look like this; notice the page number at the end of the URL:

This e-book is also listed in the MERLIN catalog. From the MERLIN record, right click on the hot  link under “Missouri S&T Online Access via Ebrary Academic Complete.” Paste the URL into your Blackboard site. The persistent link will look like this and can be embedded in your citation as shown above.

EBSCO - see Academic Search Premier


Mark Lubell, Sammy Zahran and Arnold Vedlitz. "Collective Action and Citizen Responses to Global Warming." Political Behavior , Vol. 29, No. 3 (Sep., 2007), pp. 391-413

Locate the article; copy the stable URL that appears below the Publication Title. Cut and past the URL into your Blackboard site or embed it into your citation. The link must have the Proxy Server segment ( in the URL in order to give users off-campus access. The link will look like this:

Proquest Databases

Mcconnell, M. (2013, Mar 22). The constitution and same-sex marriage. Wall Street Journal.

Click the tab Abstract/Details. Scroll down to Indexing (details); copy the link found under "Document URL."  Cut and paste the URL into your Blackboard site or embed it into your citation. The link will look like this:

Films on Demand
CyberEthics (Films on Demand)

Go to the database record for your film. Scroll to the bottom and copy the URL appearing in the box labeled "Title URL." Cut and paste the URL into your Blackboard site or embed it into your citation. The link will look like this:

Safari Books Online
Bergeron, Bryan. Business Expectations: Are You Using Technology to its Fullest? NY: John Wiley & Sons, 2002.

Go to book view or chapter view. Copy the URL from the browser. Cut and paste the link into your Blackboard site or embed into your citation. The link must have the Proxy Server segment ( in the URL in order to give users off-campus access. The link will look like this:

Public Domain Resources

External Resources

Tools to Locate Public Domain Works

Clip Art


Mixed Media


TEACH Act Resources

External Resources

Other Tutorials for the Classroom

These videos are available using Creative Commons or similar licensing and may be shown in the classroom.

These videos are from Films on Demand, a service licensed to C. L. Wilson Library. The content is appropriate for both faculty and students. These may be shown (streamed) in classrooms. These selections are only available to Missouri S&T users.

These selections are Web based tutorials

Library Publications