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Information for Faculty

Finding Articles

The library has a large number of databases that can be used to find journal articles and other research materials. You can view the full list through the Databases & E-Resources link, and you can find recommended databases for each department on our subject guides.

If you're searching for articles in our databases, there may be a PDF or HTML version of the full text of the article attached to your search results. If not, there will be a Get It @ MST! button or text link for each result. If the library has a subscription to the resource you need, you'll usually get a link directly to the article after clicking Get It! button. Occasionally you'll only get a link directly to the journal; when that happens, it's helpful to search for the article title on the journal's page.

If the library does not have an online subscription to what you need, you'll be given the option to request the item through Interlibrary Loan. Using this option will fill out the interlibrary loan form for you automatically submit your request.

Finding Online Journals

If you're trying to track down a citation that looks interesting, start with the A-Z journal search on the library's home page. You can search on a journal's title to see if we have electronic access to that title.

If we do have electronic access, make sure to pay attention to the date range that's listed for the title. Most of our subscriptions only go back to 1996 or 2000, so it's important to check that we have the year you need.

Finding Print Journals in the Library

If we don't have the journal you need electronically, you can search the catalog to see if we have it in print. Just click the UM Library System Catalog link, then select "Journal, Magazine, Newspaper title begins with" and search on the title of the journal you're looking for. If we have it in print, click on the title from the search results. Make sure to look at the "Lib. Has" line to see what years we own; we may not have a complete run of that journal.

Interlibrary Loan

If your need an article, conference paper, or book not available through MOBIUS, we can probably get it for you through our interlibrary loan service. You can access this through the Interlibrary Loan (ILLiad) link on the library's home page.

The first time you use interlibrary loan, you'll have to set up an account. Go ahead and log in using your campus username and password; you will then be prompted to create an account.

One you're logged in, look under "New Request" and select the type of item you would like to request, then fill in your citation information and click "Submit"  Many requests are processed electronically, and items will arrive within 24 hours. For books or items that are more difficult to locate, it will take several business days to receive your requested item. You will receive an email when the item is available.

Associate Dean of Libraries

Profile Photo
Roger Weaver
Associate Dean of Libraries
Library and Learning Resources
400 W. 14th Street
Rolla, MO 65409
(573) 341-4221

Finding Materials