Always keep in mind that primary sources use the language of the time. Words may be spelled differently, and terms used to refer to events or people may vary from modern usage. Also, use the limits in the database to narrow your search to a particular date or period of time to remove later articles on the subject from your search results.
Full text coverage of the entire New York Times newspaper from 1851-2020
Use the search box to find books in our library and the other libraries in the UM system. You can request that books from the other libraries be sent to Missouri S&T for check out by using the "Place Request" link.
Search for specific books by author or title, or do a keyword search to find books on a particular topic. Remember to put phrases in quotation marks (for example, "concentration camp") to search the words together.
Search tip for primary sources: To find primary sources in books, try adding one of the following to your keywords: diaries, personal narratives, documents, sources, oral history, interviews, speeches, and correspondence.
Find even more books by searching MOBIUS, a shared catalog that includes materials from college and university libraries across Missouri. Use the "Place a Hold" button to request books from another library.
Books requested from other UM System libraries generally are available to check out in 3-5 business days. MOBIUS books may take longer to arrive.
Provides the testimonies of people with first-hand experience of the Nazi persecutions, including those who were in hiding, survivors, bystanders, resistors, and liberators. Instructions for viewing: Visit this website first to create an account before searching the archive to find recordings. Then submit a request to view any individual testimony. All of the videos should be available for viewing once access is approved by email.