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Kanopy: Share/Embed a Clip/Playlist

Gain instant access to thousands of classic feature films, documentaries, and educational programs.
Complete films, playlists, or clips can be shared three different ways:
You can create a link to the film, clip, or playlist which can be sent to anyone associated with our institution
You can share the film, clip, or playlist to social media options such as Facebook, Twitter, etc.
You can embed the film, clip, or playlist into a website or course management system such as Canvas using HTML code provided by kanopy. 

Sharing a Complete Film

1. Locate the film in kanopy and click the "Share" button.
2. Click the Share tab to share the film using social media or a link to the film.
  • To share via social media including email select the social media site of your choice
  • To link the the film copy the share link and paste it in Canvas or another we page of you choice. 
3. Click the "Embed" tab to embed the film in to Canvas or another web page.
  • You can control the size of the embedded viewer by clicking on "Options."
  • Copy the Embed the video code into the HTML coding of another web page or Canvas.


Sharing a Clip

1. Click "My Playlists at the top of the page to view the available playlists. Locate the Playlist that contains the clip you wish to share.
2. Click the title of the Playlist or the image to open the play list.
3. On the right hand side of the view tab click on the clip you wish to share.
4. Click "Share" to share the clip. Following the instructions for sharing found in "Share a Complete Film" above.



Sharing a Playlist

1. Click "My Playlists at the top of the page to view the available playlists. Locate the Playlist you wish to share.
2. Click "Share/Embed" to share the playlist. Following the instructions for sharing found in "Share a Complete Film" above.
Hint: If you are linking to a playlist and would like to begin at a specific clip, you can force the video to start at this clip by adding "&pos=#" at the end of the sharing link. Replace the # with the position number of the clip within the playlist. For example, if you want the video to begin at the second clip, the URL in the HTML code will look similar to this: ""