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The Western Conservatory of Music was founded in Rolla in 1882 by Prof. Douthat.In 1883 he handed over the reins to E. Homer Scott, along with Clara Sears.
MSM professor, and founder of the Western Conservatory of Music.
Second home to the Western Conservatory of Music in Rolla, MO.
E. Homer Scott (1858-1925) became director of the Western Conservatory of Music in 1883 and was responsible for its multiple relocations. The family moved to Rolla in 1871. Homer, John, and Luella Scott were all musically inclined and were all associated with the Conservatory at various times.
Vocal music instructor for the Western Conservatory of Music.
John Walter Scott, Rolla druggist, formed and led the campus MSM ROTC band for many years. He's shown here in the middle, between E. Bishop and R. Phillips. He also formed the Rolla Town Band, symphony orchestra, and cornet band.
Photo from 1888.
Professor Clair Mann (July 2, 1864–July 29, 1935) was a Civil Engineering instructor, education researcher, amateur historian, founder of the Phelps County Historical Society, AND a composer.
In addition to his other endeavours, John Scott was a piano dealer.
Image from SHSMO collection R0453
On Pine Street, Rolla, MO.
May 20, 1912, St. James, MO marching band.
Event at Rolla High School.
Shown driving past Scott Drugs on Pine and 8th Streets, Rolla, MO
Image from collection R:3/3/5 Clair V. Mann.
Image from 1909 Rollamo.
Image from collection R:14/109/1 Benjamin Cody
Image from collection R:14/109/1 Benjamin Cody.
Image from 1922 Rollamo.
Image from 1926 Rollamo.
1940s, outside Scott Drugs on 8th at Pine.
Image from Missouri Miner 1965 Mar 19 issue.
The UMR-ROTC Band received an invitation to perform at the 1964 World's Fair in New York, and performed six concerts over 3 days April 30-May 2, 1965.
Homecoming parade.
Missouri S&T Marching Band.
KMSM, KMFA, KMNR... the campus radio station has had several different call signs. You can check them out at
The very first radio station schedule for KMSM. The station started Jan 2, 1964.
Image from 1964 Rollamo.
Image from 1964 Rollamo.
RadiOzark Enterprises, Inc. radio production company formed in the 1940s. Operated out of the KWTO radio station in Springfield, MO starting in 1943.