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Microcontrollers - RTD Conference 2018: Home

IT RSS's Research and Technology Development Conference

RTD 2018: Microcontroller Workshops

These sessions have a capacity of 30 people each. Once the max capacity is reached, you will be placed on a waiting list. This registration link is exclusively for Missouri S&T students. If you are not affiliated with the university and would like to attend, please email

Attendees will have a chance to enter a drawing to win one of several Raspberry Pi 3 B+ boards.

For more information on the full RTD conference and schedule, visit:


About RTD 2018

The Research and Technology Development conference is an all-encompassing event for researchers, students, and academics who are involved with research and technology. It's about networking, learning about technologies, developing new skills in our workshops, and meeting new people who may, or may not, have the same interests as you. RTD is a blowout party, it's thoughtful discussion, and it puts you in a place to ponder "what if..."

When: September 17 - 18, 2018

Where: Havener Center

Visit for more information and for the complete schedule. 



Associate Dean of Libraries

Profile Photo
Roger Weaver
Associate Dean of Libraries
Library and Learning Resources
400 W. 14th Street
Rolla, MO 65409
(573) 341-4221