To find print and online books in our library and at other UM System libraries, search here and then select either Books or eBooks under "Limit by Source Type" on the search results page. Books may be requested from other libraries in the system by using the "Place Request" link. You will receive an email when the book is available, usually in 3 to 5 business days.
Find even more books using the MOBIUS catalog, which searches more than 60 libraries in the state of Missouri and beyond.
Use the "Request" link to get materials from other libraries. Books generally take between 2 and 5 business days to arrive when coming from another Missouri library. You will receive an email when they are available to check out.
Use interlibrary loan to request books (and other materials, including journal articles) from libraries outside MOBIUS. On average, it takes a week to receive books through interlibrary loan.
Search these ebook collections to find books on engineering management and systems engineering topics. To find even more ebooks, search the library catalog.